Why Online Learning

Online learning has been on the rise in recent years, and Covid-19 acted as a catalyst to gain more popularity across the globe.
On the one hand, eLearning courses have become hugely popular by the simple virtue of being so much more convenient than traditional face to face courses. Key advantage of Online learning is you can take it from the comfort of your own home. It has made far off universities /colleges / schools / tutors in reach of a wider group of students.
Online eLearning tools
Many online learning platforms offer engaging tools which can overcome traditional whiteboard so words can be written or drawn with the mouse and keyboard. Now you have live session almost similar to offline in class physical learning. This means both the student and tutor can speak through the computer as long as both have a microphone and speakers.
Once the parent / students understand the concept and advantage of online tutoring, they are oftentimes amazed. Their child can ask any question and the tutor is able to walk the student through the entire problem solving process and help the student to solve each problem. This one-on-one communication is what most students need to overcome learning obstacles. These are effective personalized learning wherein parents can also closely monitor the progress of their students from the comfort of their home.
Offline vs Online
In the classroom, most students are left behind if they don’t ask specific questions to help them understand what they are learning. Once a student starts falling behind, tutoring must be provided to prevent failing grades. Oftentimes a personal face to face tutor intimidates students and still might not help.
1. Students learn more than they do in traditional courses
Various studies have found that students learn many times more in online learning courses using multimedia content than in traditional face to face courses. Online courses give students full control over their own learning, students are able to work at their own speed. Generally students work faster than they would do otherwise and take in more information. They are able to move faster through areas of the course they feel comfortable with, but slower through those that they need a little more time on.
2. Online learning requires less of a time
Many students are put off enrolling in a face to face course due to the time investment it will require. This generally involves the time to get back and forth to classes. It’s also key to note that eLearning options generally allow students to split the time they are investing in the course in whichever way works for them. They don’t need to be able to dedicate large chunks of time to the course.
3. More frequent assessments
One of the great things about online courses is that assessment can become more of an ongoing process. This is good news for students as interspersing multimedia content and learning materials with regular short tests can improve student engagement. In fact, research from Harvard showed that using these short, regular tests halved student distraction, tripled note-taking and students’ overall retention of the content improved.
4. Feedback is faster (almost same time) and more frequent
Believe it or not, online learners may actually have more contact with their educators than classroom learners.
Online students are generally asked to complete more-frequent assessments so that professors can monitor their competence. Because of this, learning gaps can be identified and addressed faster, rather than allowing a struggling student to slip through the cracks until exam time.
Ever since lock down parents are attending Parents Teacher Meeting (PTM) online, you will be amazed to know almost all parents both father and mother are able to attend it unlike offline wherein to get time out from busy schedule was always challenging coupled with traveling and parking difficulties in metros.
5. Preparation for future skills
The online classroom is good preparation for a changing workforce
Getting comfortable with technology is an excellent side benefit to online education.
As technology advances, workforces are becoming increasingly distributed. Whether you’re working with someone across the state or across the world, becoming adept at technology for video conferencing, messaging, aggregating information, and collaborating is a skill set that you’re likely to find a need for.
6. Time to pursue extra curricular interest actively
Time saved in online learning can be utilzed to pursue interest outside of studies such as sports, music, art and craft. Many times students in offline mode have to run for many classes separately which leaves hardly any time for pursuing other interests. Incase of Online mode has been boon and especially grown up kids find it helpful to pursue other interest areas more actively.