
Class 11 Physics (Elasticity)

  • Categories Class 11
  • Total Enrolled 1
  • Last Update June 26, 2021


We now move from consideration of forces that affect the motion of an object (such as friction and drag) to those that affect an object’s shape. If a bulldozer pushes a car into a wall, the car will not move once it hits the wall, but it will noticeably change shape. A change in shape due to the application of a force is a deformation. Even very small forces are known to cause some deformation. For small deformations, two important characteristics are observed. First, the object returns to its original shape when the force is removed—that is, the deformation is elastic for small deformations. Second, the size of the deformation is proportional to the force—that is, for small deformations.

Topics for this course

7 Lessons


This lesson gives you a brief introduction of elasticity
Introduction to Elasticity

Stress and Strain?

The Topic gives you a brief description of stress and strain

Applications of Elasticity


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